Work Package 1 – Project management and coordination
Objective: WP1 entails the overall coordination of administrative, scientific and implementation activities including the planning and documenting of meetings, guaranteeing full compliance with the legal, financial and reporting requirements of the Call, assuring the timely fulfilment of EU4Health Programme objectives, from a technical and a financial perspective, establishing an effective communication among partners and between partners, tracking the project’s risks, and manage the mitigation and contingency plans, assuring the quality of the project outcomes, and guaranteeing the project’s ethics and legal compliance.
WP Leader – Portuguese Red Cross
Start Month 1 End Month 24
Work Package 2 – Dissemination and communication
1) To enhance quality and depth of the action through established links between organisations in-country and transnationally and to share findings and lessons learned from the programme;
2) To guarantee strategic communication and dissemination of project outputs to relevant stakeholders and in target to EU;
3) reinforcing and supporting policy implementation and effective action of EU countries’ health authorities and stakeholders;
4) Development of improved and standardised approach in health literacy.
WP Leader – Portuguese Red Cross
Start Month 1 End Month 24
Work Package 3 – Prevention of Sudden Death Related to Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Lifestyle Risk Factors
Objective: WP 3’s main objective is to: 1) Develop a Pilot Program for the prevention of sudden death related to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and lifestyle risk factors, by reducing the burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD´s) and related risk factor, both in individual and societal level, namely by supporting the NCDs policies and corresponding action led by the Member states; and 2) to integrate the contents developed in the program, in a mobile application for remote health monitoring, which, in addition to providing a set of interactive educational tools, allows users to carry out manual or through the use of other mobile applications (smartwatch) monitoring of heart rate, emphasizing the importance of prevention and raising awareness of cardiovascular health in children and youth.
WP Leader – Portuguese Red Cross
Start Month 3 End Month 17
Work Package 4 – Training and raising awareness activities in the educational community
Objective: Dissemination of evidence and best practices: Provide further evidence on the effectiveness of different approaches to structured integrated care programmes for NCD´s and facilitate exchange of lessons, experiences and best practices, adding to the global body of evidence which will enhance the capacity of countries to face challenges and sustain achievements, as well as to develop new solutions to address NCD´s and progressively to implement universal health coverage.
WP Leader – Portuguese Red Cross
Start Month 12 End Month 20
Work package 5 – Health promotion and disease prevention
Objective: Reducing health inequalities and promoting diabetes and cardiovascular diseases prevention towards vulnerable people, including displaced people from Ukraine, through 2 types/strands of intervention: 1. Creation and dissemination of tailored health literacy and communication material; 2. Strengthening NCDs screening and information giving in medical consultations/activities.
WP Leader – Croce Rossa Italiana
Start Month 3 End Month 22